Friday, September 15, 2006

An Ode to Ex Boyfriends

Life can be pretty strange sometimes. Every now and then something happens that puts everything else sharply into perspective. While there are things I wish I didn't have to go through, I would never go back and change anything. Without my past experiences, I'd be a completely different person, and wouldn't be where I am today. So....

To the first, without whom I would have never fallen in love with Rock 'N Roll. To the second, without whom I would have never fallen in love with poetry. To the others, without whom I wouldn't love myself, lawn seats, BritComs, Frank Zappa, trench coats, dancing in the rain, finding the child within, or Starbucks. To the one who broke my heart, and to the ones who had to pay the price, even though they weren't guilty. Without any of them, I wouldn't have many of the little things that bring me joy. And without them, I wouldn't know where I never want to be again. I am ever grateful for little reminders of how far I've come, and of how strong I really can be, to go even farther.

So, to the ones who lied, the ones who cheated, the ones that were shallow, the ones that were selfish, the ones that were even a little crazy....thank you. And to the one who knew how to fix me, and daily puts up with me and all of my little quirks, drama, childishness, and may never realize how amazing you really are.

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