Thursday, December 28, 2006

Apparently I'm a Sellout

So, today, amongst the HUGE amount of things I have to do at work (you know, get coffee, smoke, go to lunch, smoke, get a coke, smoke, check email, smoke, etc) my mind starts to drift. I look back to, oh I dunno, six-ish years ago. Early on in the college career, but fully enjoying what it is not to live at home and scrounge to buy ramen. I was so metal. Or at least, I thought I was. So punk, so rock, so....poor. I definitely gave less of a shit about a lot of things. Those were good times.

I was walking back from the printer and it dawned on me. Fuck. I've got on the now-fashionable ripped jeans with the tailored shirt and pointy high-heel boots. And a fucking belt. The tailored sport bike style leather jacket and even a damn purse sitting back at my desk. I think, god, what would I have thought about myself had I seen the future me back in the day? Tool. Sellout. Corporate string monkey.

Then Katrix says I look all girly today, and it's all over from there.

I give up.

Be on the lookout for some purple hair and bleach in the near future.