Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Getting my Shit Together

I can count at least a dozen times every year where I swear I'm going to start eating better, being more active, the usual lose weight meow meow whatever. In the past year I managed to get to the smallest I've been in many years. Seen here.

Oh hey you guys. I got married! To my first love. And it's goddamn perfect.


I also retired from roller derby (DK4L), and made a lot of crazy changes. Lots of upheaval, but all totally worth it. Totally. You guys. Totally.

So there's a bit of a disconnect in making this a kind of food blog and a healthier life blog. But you know, it's my little corner of the world and it can be about whatever I want. Sometimes food, sometimes struggles, a little success, and whatever feels important at the moment.

Upcoming topics will include:
A visual guide to The Family Recipe (without giving you the recipe).
Weight training (I can throw heavy things around!)
Updates on home projects (let's talk about our awesome garden)
The expanding family (er, menagerie)

And more!

For now - I've decided that if I put this out to The Universe, it will become real and you guys (seriously please) will hold me somewhat accountable and not let me open that 2nd (4th) bottle of wine, eat my body weight in tortilla chips, or make a meal out of a pint of ice cream. For those of you who are my buddies on MyFitnessPal, you'll be able to see what I eat. To my FitBit buddies, I'm definitely trying to walk around more, but fuck having a desk job you guys.

So here are the things that always ruin me.
1. Emotional Eating
2. Ice Cream
3. Pizza
4. Cheese
5. Alcohol

There's more, but you know....fixing most of those will fix a lot. I took "before" pictures for the first time ever today, and I kind of wanted to cry. A lot. I was bigger this time last year, but that's little consolation to how I feel right now. We started lifting in February, and I was getting strong, and (allegedly) great things were happening in the overall re-shape of my body. Then there was a Friday where we said "fuck it" and went to a bar instead. Fast forward three (or four?) weeks and I hadn't set foot back into the weight room. I resolved, no seriously, I need to get back at it. Lifted once, was so sore that I allowed myself to not lift two days later...and that was two weeks ago. So you see - maybe reason #1 up there should be my laziness.

So, tonight I made tilapia with a pretty rad dill sauce. And it was awesome. And under like, 400 calories for the big ass plate of food. This is doable, I just have to reprogram my brain. You know, right after I finish this beer.
