Friday, July 29, 2005

RIP and stuff

Crap, not again...

Let me just say that I'm very tired of people dying. OK I know people die every day and stuff, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people my age whom I've known since we were small children. I'm also tired of this happening repeatedly in a short span of time.

Flashback to the Summer of '01. This is what I lovingly refer to as "The Summer of Death." A few friends, all dead within a month of each other, all tragic. Overdose, car accident, murder.

Back to the present. Three more friends, not so close together, but a little closer to home. Heart attack, unexplained medical problem, car accident.

It's really exhausting. And this doesn't include family members and people who, in all honesty, had lived full, productive lives. That's different. That is, as bad as it may sound, more acceptable; easier to deal with.

I was talking to a good friend of mine, and we agreed: People our age shouldn't be talking about who died that we grew up with. We should be talking about weddings and babies and stupid stuff like that. But, you know, shit happens and that's how things work out sometimes.

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