Thursday, January 8, 2015

Holy Shit it's 2015

That's fifteen years since I graduated high school. Fifteen years since Y2K. Fifteen years since I thought 30 was really old and a million years away.

In previous years, NYE was spent in various states of being completely hammered. However, this makes two years in a row that I have awoken on New Years Day without a hangover. It's like I'm becoming a responsible adult or something.

Michael has brought in the unique perspective of spending NYE in the manner in which you want the next year to be. So for the past two years we've made stupidly pretentious food, stayed away from the stupid drunks, and had a really nice evening in. I like it.

This year, I begged for his famous (to me) escargot with whateverthefuckIwanttotakeabathinit sauce. You guys, this stuff is good. Dare I call a food sexy? Maybe. So yeah....we had that, and some gorgeous filets. The next day we did black eyed peas and cornbread and greens...something my midwestern husband has never heard of. So of course instead of "yeah we should do this for tradition whatever...." it became "OMG WHAT YOU HAVE TO EAT THIS"....even though I've never been a big fan of any of it except cornbread.

Remnants of sexy sauce...two words...truffle oil.

So, right....resolutions and shit...Except I don't really buy into resolutions being a thing. I do believe in goals for a given year. So here we go.

1. Eat real food: We've got a rockin' new stove/oven and have committed to not eating outside the house for a few months. It's good to get back into cooking more at home and eating real, whole food. I'm still in my journey of fixing my relationship with food, and as long as we stock the house with not crap food, this will be a huge step.

2. Heal my leg: I had knee surgery in October, and due to the (non?) efforts of a less than stellar Physical Therapy staff, my quad has atrophied to the point of being embarrassing. I've started doing bodyweight squats, wall squats, and general strengthening stuffs. I had been lifting, but everything just died with the surgery. What sucks is that I know I need to have another surgery, and I really don't know whether to get it all over with or put it off for awhile....

3. Be a better friend: I'm well aware that in the last year-ish, I haven't seen many of you or hung out with the frequency to which we had become accustomed. This will get better. I know part of it is us being all up ins our own world, but a lot of my circle has gone through a similar thing. Turns out, a lot of us have gotten into this groove where we totally just love being at home and not getting schwasted all the time. It's not a bad thing. We just need to find different ways of hanging out. Right?

4. No (OK, let's be serious, very few) hangovers. Drinking like a crazy person has become less and less appealing in the last few months. Let's see what happens.

5. Not get any more pets. Or  maybe just one more kitten.....

6. Pay off a metric fuckload of debt. Seriously...I might say this every year. But it's really important because...

7. Find a hobby with which I can make some money, and maybe escape working for other people. Maybe it means cutting back on spending. But I'm determined to rescue my sanity this year. Seriously.

8. Level Up.

Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year brings all kinds of awesome for you. You're worth it, and you can totally make it happen.

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