Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Things I Hate

Excessive amounts of anything on a sandwich or burger. Especially if it's mayo. Dear god. Thick, gooey, sometimes chunky goodness. I almost yarked.

I also hate whiny boys. "Oh poor me, life is awful, God hates me - even tho I don't believe in God - the bastard still hates me, I lose everything I love, why do you have to leave, why can't we just be happy together, let me share the darkness that is my tortured soul, please help me become normal, but fuck normal because it's overrated, but I love you because you're normal....." Jesus. Just shut the hell up. Please. Life sucks, get a helmet.

What else do I hate? Britney Spears. That retard is going to be someone's mother. For fuck's sake. I still maintain that in order to breed, you should have, oh I dunno, like 60 college credit hours. Why? Let me explain. This means you at least have the fortitude to commit to something, and see it thru. It also gurantees that you're not a total and complete retard. Also, it means that you're not sixteen and having babies. See? What's the problem? To be in charge of daily working activities of your peers you would need just as much, why then do you need nothing to be responsible for the entire life of another human?


Having said all that.....

I love napkins, with which you can remove large globs of funky mayo. I also like boys who aren't completely damaged and don't whine about every little thing that ever went wrong in their lives. This is a good thing. This means you're healthy and know how to handle life, like the rest of the world. I also like people like me :-) People who realize that, at this current point in their lives, they are not ready to breed, nor do they want to. Why? I could list a few reasons, but that doesn't really matter. The point is making a conscious decision not to bring another (and I know I'm gonna catch hell for this) unnecessary life into this fucked up world.

Blah. Enough of that.

I'm happy right now. No, really, I am. Crazy, huh? The boy is wonderful (so far, I'll admit, I'm still waiting for the bottom to fall out). Work doesn't suck half as much as it could. And, that's about it, really.

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